Reading Time: 4 minutes Difficulty: medium
30 January 2023
30 January 2023
Reading Time: 4 minutes Difficulty: medium

The need to share with others while accepting the difficulties and pleasures of diversity in interpersonal relationships is inherent in human nature; and this is how giving and receiving feedback of one’s work, from and to colleagues, superiors and collaborators, is what we all need nowadays.

What exactly is “feedback”?


It is a fundamental tool to help others (colleagues/collaborators/superiors) to change their behavioral and learning ways; it is a tool aimed at offering those involved information on their behaviors (“the how”) and (“the what”) on the results, it therefore helps us reinforce useful/effective behaviors and reduce ineffective ones.


Feedback is constructive if:

  • it is aimed at the growth of the individual
  • it is both positive and negative
  • it is contextual or at least timely
  • it highlights objective and relevant facts and behaviors
  • it highlights a behavioral gap (expectation vs. observed action)
  • it stimulates reflection
  • and let’s not forget that it must be authorized by the other person



But how can I really give constructive feedback to someone?


Feedback is an essential communication tool in both our private and working life as it helps others understand what we have observed.

It’s not just about learning to say “something seemingly uncomfortable” the right way, but it is also about showing appreciation of everyone’s hard work.


For feedback to mean well, let’s never forget to:

  • look them in the eye
  • make the constructive purpose of the feedback known
  • start with positive behaviors
  • describe the behavior without judgment (although it may seem very difficult at times)
  • explain the results of the action taken
  • suggest positive alternative behavior
  • involve the person in the search for solutions
  • ask them if they need an explanation
  • ask them if they agree with what we are saying


How we made Feedback our internal manifesto


The Let’s Talk Clearly Project, in collaboration with the Change Project trainers, was an experience in which both the company and HR really believed in; it was an expression of pragmatism and a desire to always improve ourselves.


When we thought about this project, the goal was to try to perfect communication management and internal relations. It was something many of us needed, that’s why we decided on it.

We called it a journey, a journey in which we questioned ourselves and tried to listen more and above all, listen better. We have really worked hard on feedback, so much so that it is now part of our corporate culture.

In addition, our managers have also worked on their leadership skills, as well as other essential elements to communicate and create functional relationships.


Now, let’s keep learning by doing. Now, let’s carry on asking for and giving constructive feedback with our managers, colleagues, and collaborators, so that our journey can continue.


Here’s what our internal feedback culture has brought about:

  • The company promotes feedback as a growth tool aimed at identifying strong areas and areas for improvement
  • We are committed to offering our feedback when necessary, in protected areas and at the appropriate times, not only during performance evaluations
  • We promote positive feedback
  • We are open to receiving and asking for feedback from all those who can help us on our growth journey
  • Feedback is welcome at all levels
  • We give and receive feedback in person, at the appropriate times and in places where it is easy to effectively listen to each other


Finally, our feedback is nobody’s business: that’s to say, it is of utmost importance that the feedback is not disclosed to third parties.


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